More than one year has passed since our previous in-room sale in Obecní dům in Prague, and, from a stamp-collector’s perspective, it was a busy year.
In the years 2022–2024, three extremely valuable collections of Czechoslovak stamps got to the market. There was a huge offer of stamps of all price categories, which caused, after many years of continuous increase, a fear of stagnation.
However, it showed that, due to a large number of collectors and investors, the market absorbed even such a large quantity of quality philatelic items. The extraordinary offer also raised a wave of new buyers, who are gradually turning into significant collectors.
Since the end of the sale of these collections in Fall 2024 the offer has substantially decreased, and it is again very difficult to obtain quality auction material in the segment of Czechoslovak stamps.
After our on-site auction in November 2023 we have organized nine on-line auctions, and we would not be able to prepare the auction we invite you to, if we did not save the best items from our suppliers for this occasion.
The auction will take place in the Olympik hotel in Prague on January 26, 2025, and will offer 937 lots.
I will not mention separate items; you will find all necessary information in the auction catalog. Our effort was to offer genuinely attractive philatelic material and I believe that we succeeded across issues from our territory and, to a lesser extent, also from the rest of the world. Thanks to the all-year preparation, we were able to choose copies in superior quality, and rare stamps only seldom seen on the market which will probably not be offered in a foreseeable future again.
Let me invite you to our January auction; either as in-site bidders at the Olympic hotel, or as on-line participants, as you have already got used to in the course of years.
I wish you good luck at bidding.
Mgr. Petr Pflanzer Flaška and company
Planned auction schedule:
Part I · 9:30 items 1 − 361 (scheduled end of part I at 12:00)
lunch break 12:00 – 12:40
Part II · 12:45 items 362 – 506 (scheduled end of part II at 13:40)
Part III · 13:45 items 507 – 613 (scheduled end of part III at 14:35)
Part IV · 14:45 items 614 – 755 (scheduled end of part IV at 15:40)
Part V · 15:45 items 756 – 937 (scheduled end of auction at 17:00)
View auction items
Auction catalog (PDF)
Auction venue: Hotel Olympik Tristar
U Sluncové 14, 186 76 Praha 8 - Invalidovna, Česko
Internet orders close on January 26th 8:00 AM, austion starts on January 26th at 9:30 AM.
Auction viewings will take place on Thursday January 23rd (or on another day by prior arrangement) at the headquarters of Filatelie Praha, s.r.o., Sokolská 1605/66, Prague 2, Czech Republic, and on auction day on Sunday January 26th at the Olympik Hotel continuously from 8:30 AM.
Items distribution: On auction day directly in the hall
From January 28th at the headquarters of Filatelie Praha, s.r.o.
Opening hours:
Wed-Thu 10:00–11:30 AM and 12:30–16:00 PM
Fri-Sat closed (dispensing by prior arrangement)
Sokolská 1605/66, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia
IČ: 04506537, DIČ: CZ 04506537
Spisová značka: C 248738 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
Mgr. Petr Pflanzer Flaška
723 344 415
Ing. Richard Flaška
602 261 133
Valeria Fillina
776 736 731
I wish you every success in the auction, we would be very happy if you would entrust us with your material for our next upcoming auctions.
Best regards,
Mgr. Petr Pflanzer Flask and Collective